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СОВЕТ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА: Не тратьте время на английский, всем на завод!

Компания ожидала частичного восстановления производства СПГ на заводе еще в середине декабря, а до этого полагала, что после произошедших в начале июня взрыва и пожара предприятие будет закрыто минимум на три месяца. Первоначальный же период простоя в связи с необходимостью устранения последствий аварии вообще оценивался в три недели. По данным управления энергетической информации EIA министерства энергетики страны, в прошлом году экспорт американского СПГ достиг рекордного уровня — 9,7 миллиарда кубических футов в сутки.

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И там 12-часовые смены, вызовы в нерабочее время и прочие подобные практики, видимо, не встречают непонимания. А вот американские специалисты, причём, повторим, речь идёт об инженерах, а не о простых рабочих, явно к такому готовы не были. Кроме того, руководство TSMC, по слухам, не способно расставить приоритеты в работе и вместо этого ожидает ускоренного выполнения каждой задачи, независимо от её масштаба. Также менеджерам TSMC даже пришлось пройти обучение тому, как не кричать на рабочих в общественных местах, но это не помогло. Хуже того, некоторые инженеры признались, что им пришлось подделывать результаты производственных тестов, чтобы оправдать завышенные ожидания руководства.

Scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians and public figures will discuss key trends and prospects related to the Russian and global economy. They will examine the profound tectonic shifts that are gaining momentum today. These are in no small measure due to the ongoing formation of a multipolar world and efforts by most countries to secure political and economic independence. I would therefore like to once again express my gratitude to all those working at companies and organizations, whether in senior positions or as team members, for having done much to overcome the severe consequences of unlawful sanctions. According to experts, the global economy will continue to decelerate in 2023.

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Preferential taxation as the main instrument for stimulating the development of renewable energy is used in many developed countries, such as Germany, the United States and France, where the most effective way to ensure energy conservation is to adopt laws on tax incentives. In this way it is possible to provide tax rebates on the costs of acquiring equipment or services leading to energy savings. In a number of countries, such as Belgium, Denmark and France, a state fund for investing in energy-saving measures has been established. As a rule, the interest rate set by the fund is lower than under normal commercial conditions, which is equivalent to a concessional loan. The ecological method. This method, first of all, includes the introduction of energy saving technologies and the transition to renewable energy sources - solar, wind, hydro power of rivers. The advantage of renewable energy is due to the fact that they do not lead to a change in the climate of the planet and to global warming, in contrast to fuel fossils, which, when burned, emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. World experience shows that the developed countries began to support and stimulate non-traditional energy, through the implementation of federal development programs, within which various privileges and preferences for this sphere are provided. Today, in the United States, there are already three cities that have completely switched to renewable energy - Aspen, Burlington, Vermont. For example, in Iceland, five thermal geothermal power plants are successfully functioning, due to which 26. In the newly industrialized countries of South-East Asia, much of the energy-saving measures are financed by the state itself, which most often installs energy equipment that corresponds to the non-industrial sphere, allocates targeted interest-free loans or subsidies to the owners of residential buildings for the acquisition of materials in accordance with existing standards of energy saving technologies.

The analysis of the global use of electricity has made it possible to identify the dependence of electricity consumption on the population and the level of economic development, as well as the effect of increasing energy consumption on the state of the environment. Based on the identified problems, the world experience in the restructuring of the electric power industry was studied and methods for reforming the industry were proposed. These methods were combined into five groups: an organizational one, a method of consolidating markets, financial, fiscal and environmental. The carried out researches in the field of tools of reforming the electric power industry will, firstly, lead to the construction of such a system of electricity markets that will create incentives for competition, improve efficiency, and also contribute to the development of the industry, and secondly, the considered environmental methods of reforming the industry will reduce environmental pollution, by switching to energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources in order to improve the energy security and environmental friendliness of the industry. References 1. Global and Russian energy outlook to 2040 2014 [online]. Тренев, В. Ириков и др.

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Инцидент случился неподалеку от города Кингстон-апон-Халл в населенном пункте Хессл. Видео пожара сняли очевидцы. На нем видны огромные клубы дыма над загоревшимся заводом. Между тем пожарная служба графства Хамберсайд в своем Twitter призывает жителей закрыть окна и двери в домах.

Завод по сжижению природного газа Hammerfest на севере Норвегии не получилось запустить после утечки в назначенные сроки. Изначально восстановление работы предприятия ожидалось 7 июня. Теперь срок сдвинут на неделю — до 14 июня.


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Military operation in Ukraine. Casualties reported after Ukrainian strike on residential house in Zaporozhye Region city. Russia's defense industry. Foreign delegations show great interest in Russian defense products — security official. Promotion of Russian brands gives good return — Putin. Релевантные новости (идите сюда, если хотите что-то узнавать), хорошие материалы и отличный раздел про английский футбол. Get the latest breaking news, analysis and opinion from NZ and around the world, including politics, business, sport, entertainment, travel and more, with NZ Herald. The article reveals the factors affecting the electricity consumption in the world. Based on the study of the world experience in the restructuring of the electric power industry, five groups of methods are identified to improve its efficiency: organizational, consolidation of markets, financial, tax and. The latest UK and world news, business, sport and comment from The Times and The Sunday Time.

В Норвегии не смогли вовремя запустить завод после утечки топлива

"Look ahead" Видеокурс английского языка "Follow me" Обучающие фильмы на английском языке Самоучители и учебники английского языка Английские тексты с переводом Песни на английском языке Английские загадки Программы по английскому языку. The latest breaking news, comment and features from The Independent. Automotive News coverage of the European market, focusing on vehicle development, production, marketing and sales. На заводе по производству боеприпасов BAE Systems произошел взрыв. Find quality Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Importers, Buyers, Wholesalers, Products and Trade Leads from our award-winning International Trade Site. Import & Export on

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Engineering News -- ScienceDaily В Великобритании на заводе пластиковых изделий Thompsons Plastics произошел крупный пожар.
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum News, analysis and opinion from the Financial Times on the latest in markets, economics and politics.
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (Read this post in English / Прочитать этот пост на английском языке) Занесла меня давеча судьба во Францию.

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