Новости что такое фокс

Fox — развлекательный телеканал впервые запущенный компанией Fox International Channels в Латинской Америке в 1993 году. Fox News Channel (FNC), often called Fox News, is a cable and satellite television news channel owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of News Corporation. Fox News часто ругают за то, что она является консервативным новостным агентством. Fox News — американский информационный канал со штаб-квартирой в Нью-Йорке. Fox News Logo PNG Fox News is the name of the channel of one of the largest American media corporations, which was established in 1996.

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Капитализация Fox упала на $690 млн после ухода популярного ведущего

машины для подсчета голосов на выборах. Главная» Новости» Фокс новости. Новости Fox News — Полицейские объявили благодарность козлу за помощь в поимке подозреваемого, РИА «Новости»: Финляндия закроет воздушное пространство для РФ. Fox News Channel, American cable television news and political commentary channel launched in 1996. приложение, представляющее собой актуальные новости из разных сфер жизни. Функциональные возможности приложения: новостная лента и видео в режиме реального времени. The former Fox News executive’s role highlighted the cozy relationship the White House has with Fox News.

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Fox News - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia Fox News has the most breaking news interruptions in America giving you breaking news now on the spot no matter what.
Fox News Live - FHD Переводы новостей от сайта FoxNews на русском сегодня. Политика, экономика, технологии, экология, наука, религия и другие темы. Фото и видео.
Канадская компания намерена взыскать с Fox News $1,6 млрд по иску в защиту репутации - ТАСС Fox News is a cable and satellite television news channel owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of News Corporation.[1] The station has been the subject of controversy online, due to its perceived conservative bias and questionable journalistic practices.

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Through this mission, they can distribute their news worldwide and drive substantial growth in their distribution, affiliate, and advertising relationships. Fox is a mission-driven organization with a clear sense of purpose. Fox News is also investing its time and capital in the digital news segment. It is a part of the Fox Business suite. Tubi helps Fox to reach a wider digital audience through its rich content. Fox News Vision Statement However, Fox News vision statement is to provide scalable and rich content through storytelling to their audiences, and they want to achieve substantial growth in digital media.

Теперь представители Демократической партии хотят лишить Трампа защиты Секретной службы. По его словам, решение Тель-Авива проигнорировать призывы Вашингтона в очередной раз показало, что остальные страны игнорируют внешнюю политику, которую продвигает американский президент. По его мнению, властям пора очнуться и заняться вложениями в собственную страну, а не продолжать спонсировать конфликты по всему миру.

Как заявил сам спикер в интервью Fox News, такой шаг позволит палате поступить в соответствии со своей волей, а также даст возможность конгрессменам проголосовать по каждому вопросу так, как им велит совесть. Телеканал Fox News решил расспросить простых американцев на автозаправке, что они думают о ценах на топливо и продукты.

The second was conducted March 19-24, 2020, among 11,537 U.

Recruiting our panelists by phone or mail ensures that nearly all U. This gives us confidence that any sample can represent the whole population see our Methods 101 explainer on random sampling. To further ensure that each survey reflects a balanced cross section of the nation, the data is weighted to match the U.

Here are the questions asked in the first survey, along with responses, and the methodology. For the second survey, here are the questions and responses and the methodology.

Since its inception, the project has been led by Roger Ailes, who was replaced in 2018 by Suzanne Scott.

The channel functions and continuously develops due to partners and commercial advertising. Fox News TV Guide The most significant Fox News programs: "Hannity" is a discussion of political problems: how they affect the financial and cultural spheres, what solutions they require, what they can lead to. Now you can watch television online on our website.

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All that money and a poor quality app. Developer Response , Hi there, Our apologies for any glitchiness in using our app. Data Used to Track You The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies: Identifiers.

That number has since grown to at least 100 million customers who receive Fox News, making it one of the most dominant news channels in the USA. Fox News is known for having some of the most well-known and influential hosts and pundits on television today. Their words matter. In terms of its scheduling, it runs news-only programming from 9 am to 4 pm and again from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Термин «канал» был помещен черными строчными буквами в крошечном белом прямоугольнике под брендом «Fox News». Прежняя структура была сохранена, но черный квадрат получил темно-синий оттенок. Кроме того, тонкий красный прямоугольник заменил предыдущий белый прямоугольник в логотипе Fox News, а слово «канал» теперь было написано белым цветом. Новая цветовая схема придала логотипу Fox News более уверенный и профессиональный вид, подчеркнув авторитетность и качество. Темно-синяя цветовая схема стала светлее, но крошечный красный прямоугольник внизу потемнел. На заднем плане вновь появилась тонкая дугообразная линия белого цвета, а также слово «канал», напечатанное белыми строчными жирными буквами. Логотип Fox News: цвета и шрифт В логотипе канала сочетаются геометрические узоры и текстовые элементы, что отражает его фирменный стиль. Особое место среди них занимают две тянущиеся полосы — лучи прожекторов, напоминающие о том, что Fox News связан с медийной сферой и освещает события с разных точек зрения. Дизайнеры внесли небольшие коррективы в шрифт, чтобы название выделялось. Логотип Fox News трехцветный. Цвета в палитре — красный c20017 , белый ffffff и синий 003366. Выбранные цвета не конфликтуют с общим видом телеканала. Пришлось ли Fox News анимировать свой логотип? Основная часть логотипа больше не анимирована, за исключением случаев, когда он возвращается после рекламных пауз. Однако слово «Канал», текущее время в разных часовых поясах и «живая» ошибка отображаются на красной полосе, расположенной под основной частью логотипа. В процессе программирования эти компоненты будут «скользить» вверх и вниз в бесконечном цикле. Почему это называется Fox News? Fox назван в честь киностудии, ранее известной как 20th Century Fox, и косвенно в честь продюсера Уильяма Фокса, который основал одну из предшественниц киностудии, Fox Film, до ее слияния с другой компанией в 1935 году. Студия ранее называлась 20th Century Fox. Какой шрифт у Fox News? Канал Fox News, RAI итальянское агентство общественного вещания и итальянская железнодорожная система используют Futura для своих соответствующих логотипов. Futura также используется для обозначения итальянской железнодорожной системы. Шрифт Futura часто используется в кино- и видеоиндустрии. Fox News в основном ведет передачи из студий Midtown Manhattan. Он вещает в 86 странах и территориях по всему миру, а программы Fox Extra транслируются во время рекламных пауз. Руперт Мердок, американский медиа-магнат австралийского происхождения, основал Fox News в октябре 1996 года для обслуживания консервативного населения, наняв бывшего исполнительного директора CNBC и республиканского консультанта по СМИ Роджера Эйлса в качестве первого генерального директора компании. Fox News начала работу с 17 миллионами абонентов кабельной сети.

Political scientists and scholars of coups described the Fox News rhetoric as scary and dangerous. Experts on coups rejected that the Mueller investigation amounted to a coup; rather, the Fox News rhetoric was dangerous to democracy and mirrored the kind of rhetoric that occurs before purges. A number of observers argued the Fox News rhetoric was intended to discredit the Mueller investigation and sway President Donald Trump to fire Mueller. Most programs are broadcast from Fox News headquarters in New York City at 1211 Avenue of the Americas , in its streetside studio on Sixth Avenue in the west wing of Rockefeller Center, sharing its headquarters with sister channel Fox Business Network. It serves as a companion service to FNC, carrying original and acquired talk, documentary, and reality programming designed to appeal to Fox News viewers. Some of its original programs feature Fox News personalities and contributors. In an October 2018 Simmons Research survey of the trust in 38 news organizations, Fox News was ranked roughly in the center, with 44. June 2018 In June 2018, Fox News executives instructed producers to head off inappropriate remarks made on the shows aired by the network by hosts and commentators. Fox News host Laura Ingraham had likened the child detention centers that the children were in to "summer camps". Guest Ann Coulter falsely claimed that the separated children were "child actors"; the Fox News host did not challenge her claim. At the same time, most other national mainstream media gave wall-to-wall coverage of the convictions. Fox News had previously run negative coverage of rappers and their involvement with Democratic politicians and causes, such as when Fox News ran headlines describing conscious hip-hop artist Common as "vile" and a "cop-killer rapper", and when Fox News ran negative coverage of Kanye West before he became a Trump supporter. The following morning, Hannity tweeted "To be clear, I will not be on stage campaigning with the President. Hannity later asserted that his action was not pre-planned, and Fox News stated it "does not condone any talent participating in campaign events". Fox News host Jeanine Pirro also appeared on stage with Trump at the rally. The relationship between Trump and Fox News, as well as other Rupert Murdoch-controlled outlets, soured following the 2020 United States presidential election, as Trump refused to concede that Joe Biden had been elected President-elect. This negative tonal shift led to increased viewership of Newsmax and One America News among Trump and his supporters due to their increased antipathy towards Fox; and as a result, Fox released promotional videos of their opinion hosts disputing the election results, promoting a Trump-affiliated conspiracy theory about voter fraud. But Rupert [Murdoch] wants Donald Trump to win. So just let it go. Something weird going on at Fox. His acceptance of the scientific consensus on climate change drew criticism from Fox News viewers and conservatives. Smith left Fox News in October 2019. In 2020, Fox News settled with Rich family, making a payment that was not officially disclosed but which was reported to be in the seven figures. Although the settlement had been agreed to earlier in the year, Fox News arranged to delay the public announcement until after the 2020 presidential election. July 2020 In July 2020, the Wikipedia community announced that Fox News would no longer be considered "generally reliable" in its reporting of science and politics, and that it "should be used with caution to verify contentious claims" for those topics. The decision was made due to Fox News downplaying the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as allegations of Fox News spreading misinformation about climate change and reporting on the false concept of "no-go zones" for non-Muslims in British cities. One November 2020 exchange showed Tucker Carlson accusing Powell of "lying... I caught her. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy". In another exchange that month, Carlson called for Fox journalist Jacqui Heinrich to be "fired" because she fact-checked Trump and said that there was no evidence of voter fraud from Dominion. The stock price is down", while Heinrich deleted the fact-check the next morning. This is bad business... The audience is furious. November 2020 The New York Times reported in December 2022 that Dominion had acquired communications between Fox News executives and hosts, and between a Fox Corporation employee and the Trump White House, showing they knew that what the network was reporting was untrue. Dominion attorneys said hosts Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, and Fox executives, attested to this in sworn depositions. In November 2020, Hannity hosted Sidney Powell, who asserted Dominion machines had been rigged, but said in his deposition, "I did not believe it for one second. Senate, Murdoch told Scott, "Trump will concede eventually and we should concentrate on Georgia, helping any way we can. In December 2020, Smartmatic sent a letter to Fox News demanding retractions and threatening legal action, specifying that retractions "must be published on multiple occasions" so as to "match the attention and audience targeted with the original defamatory publications. None of the three hosts personally issued retractions. In an April 2021 court brief seeking dismissal of the suit, Fox attorney Paul Clement argued that the network was simply "reporting allegations made by a sitting President and his lawyers. The judge allowed allegations against Bartiromo and Dobbs to stand.

Логотип Fox News: история, значение и все, что вам следует знать

Медиаконтент иллюстрации, фотографии, видео, аудиоматериалы, карты, скан образы может быть использован только с разрешения правообладателей.

В конце января Dominion Voting подала в суд на личного адвоката экс-президента США Трампа Рудольфу Джулиани, обвинив его в проведении "вирусной кампании по дезинформации" во время президентских выборов. По словам адвокатов компании, она не исключает подачи таких "персональных исков" и в отношении руководителей и журналистов Fox News.

In March 2009, The Fox Nation was launched as a website intended to encourage readers to post articles commenting on the news. Fox News Mobile is the portion of the FNC website dedicated to streaming news clips formatted for video-enabled mobile phones. Critics have argued that the channel is damaging to the integrity of news overall. In 2009, Fox News denied bias in its news reporting. According to the fact-checking website Climate Feedback, Fox News is part of "a network of unreliable outlets for climate news.

A 2008 study found Fox News emphasized the scientific uncertainty of climate change more than CNN, was less likely to say climate change was real, and more likely to interview climate change skeptics. Leaked emails showed that in 2009 Bill Sammon, the Fox News Washington managing editor, instructed Fox News journalists to dispute the scientific consensus on climate change and "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed or cooled in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question. Fox News omitted that Tapper had said the use of "Allahu Akbar" in the terrorist attack was not one of these beautiful circumstances. A headline on FoxNews. Tapper chastised Fox News for choosing to "deliberately lie" and said "there was a time when one could tell the difference between Fox and the nutjobs at Infowars. Lies are lies. September 2009 In September 2009, the Pew Research Center published a report on the public view of national news organizations. In the report, 72 percent of polled Republican Fox viewers rated the channel as "favorable", while 43 percent of polled Democratic viewers and 55 percent of all polled viewers shared that opinion. However, Fox was given the highest "unfavorable" rating of all national outlets studied 25 percent of all polled viewers.

The report went on to say that "partisan differences in views of Fox News have increased substantially since 2007". Two weeks later, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel referred to FNC as "not a news network" and communications director Anita Dunn said "Fox News often operates as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party". However, it makes no such claims for its other broadcasts, which primarily consist of editorial journalism and commentary. According to the article, Dunn claimed in an e-mail to have checked with colleagues who "deal with TV issues" who denied telling anyone to avoid Fox. Patrick Caddell, a Fox News contributor and former pollster for President Jimmy Carter, said he had spoken with other Democratic consultants who had received similar warnings from the White House. Political scientists Matt Grossmann and David A. Hopkins wrote that Fox News helped "Republicans communicate with their base and spread their ideas, and they have been effective in mobilizing voters to participate in midterm elections as in 2010 and 2014. During the 2004 United States presidential election, Fox News was markedly more hostile in its coverage of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, and distinguished itself among cable news outlets for heavy coverage of the Swift Boat smear campaign against Kerry. The community decided that Fox News was politically biased, but generally reliable.

October 22, 2012 On the night of October 22, 2012, Fox set a record for its highest-rated telecast, with 11. In prime time the week before, Fox averaged almost 3. December 2012 Fox News provided extensive coverage of the 2012 Benghazi attack, which host Sean Hannity described in December 2012 as "the story that the mainstream media ignores" and "obviously, a cover-up. And we will get to the bottom of it. August 2016 In August 2016, Fox News Channel began to quietly phase out the "Fair and Balanced" slogan in favor of "Most Watched, Most Trusted"; when these changes were reported in June 2017 by Gabriel Sherman a writer who had written a biography on Ailes , a network executive said the change "has nothing to do with programming or editorial decisions". In March 2018, the network introduced a new ad campaign, Real News. Real Honest Opinion. On April 9, 2018, federal agents from the U. On the air, Hannity defended Cohen and criticized the federal action, calling it "highly questionable" and "an unprecedented abuse of power".

When Trump was questioned about the claim at a news conference, he said "All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. British officials said the White House was backing off the claim. Napolitano was later suspended by Fox News for making the claim. In May 2020, acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, a Trump loyalist, declassified a list of Obama administration officials who had also requested unmasking of Trump associates, which was subsequently publicly released by Republican senators. That month, attorney general Bill Barr appointed federal prosecutor John Bash to examine the unmaskings. Fox News primetime hosts declared the unmaskings a "domestic spying operation" for which the Obama administration was "exposed" in the "biggest abuse of power" in American history. The Bash inquiry closed months later with no findings of substantive wrongdoing. Ailes had the year before been fired from Fox News after women alleged he sexually harassed them. Some Fox News employees criticized the decision.

The private investigator said he had uncovered evidence that Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks and law enforcement were covering it up.

Условия использования информации. Вся информация, размещенная на данном портале, предназначена только для использования в личных целях и не подлежит дальнейшему воспроизведению.

5 facts about Fox News

Fox News - новости, информация - СМИ предположили, что канал Fox News желал дистанцироваться от пребывания Эйлса в сети.[72][73][79] В марте 2018 года сеть представила новую рекламную кампанию, Настоящие новости.
Fox News Channel - America's #1 cable news network, delivering you breaking news, insightful analysis, and must-see videos.

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December 1995 Introduced in December 1995, the Fox News website features news articles and videos about national and international news. Content on the website is divided into politics, media, U. Articles are usually accompanied by a video related to the article. Fox News Latino is the version aimed at a Hispanic audience, although presented almost entirely in English, with a Spanish section. It launched on October 7, 1996, to 17 million cable subscribers. Fox News grew during the late 1990s and 2000s to become the dominant United States cable news subscription network.

By September 2018, 87 million U. In 2019, it was the top-rated cable network, averaging 2. Murdoch, the executive chairman since 2016, said in 2023 that he would step down and hand responsibilities to his son, Lachlan. Suzanne Scott has been the CEO since 2018. February 1996 In February 1996, after former U.

Ailes demanded five months of 14-hour workdays and several weeks of rehearsal shows before its launch on October 7, 1996. In 2001, Sean Hannity described the scientific consensus on climate change as "phony science from the left". In 2010, Hannity said the so-called "Climategate" — the leaking of e-mails by climate scientist that climate change skeptics claimed demonstrated scientific misconduct but which all subsequent enquiries have found no evidence of misconduct or wrongdoing — a "scandal" that "exposed global warming as a myth cooked up by alarmists". Hannity frequently invites contrarian fringe scientists and critics of climate change to his shows. In 2019, a widely shared Fox News news report falsely claimed that new climate science research showed that the Earth might be heading to a new Ice Age; the author of the study that Fox News cited said that Fox News "utterly misrepresents our research" and the study did not in any way suggest that Earth was heading to an Ice Age.

Fox News later corrected the story. September 11, 2001 During the September 11, 2001, attacks, Fox News was the first news organization to run a news ticker on the bottom of the screen to keep up with the flow of information that day. The ticker has remained, informing viewers about additional news which reporters may not mention on-screen and repeating news mentioned during a broadcast; it has proven popular with viewers. During President George W. Syndicated throughout the United States, the division provides short newscasts and talk radio programs featuring personalities from the television and radio divisions.

In 2006, the company also introduced Fox News Talk, a satellite radio station featuring programs syndicated by and featuring Fox News personalities. The lawsuit was dropped three days later, after Judge Denny Chin refused its request for an injunction. In his decision, Chin ruled the case was "wholly without merit, both factually and legally". However, in March 2004, a Fox executive said the venture had been shelved; in November of that year, the CRTC added Fox News to its whitelist of foreign channels that may be carried by television providers. August 2005 In prime time and total day ratings for the week of April 15 to 21, 2013, Fox News, propelled by its coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, was the highest-ranked network on U.

In the third quarter of 2014, the network was the most-watched cable channel during prime time hours. During the final week of the campaign for the United States elections, 2014, Fox News had the highest ratings of any cable channel, news or otherwise. The debate reached a record-breaking 24 million viewers, by far the largest audience for any cable news event. Comparing Fox to its 24-hour-news-channel competitors, in May 2010, the channel drew an average daily prime-time audience of 1. Other news organizations quickly revealed the investigator was a Donald Trump supporter and had according to NBC News "developed a reputation for making outlandish claims, such as one appearance on Fox News in 2007 in which he warned that underground networks of pink pistol-toting lesbian gangs were raping young women.

Over the course of the day, Fox News altered the contents of the story and the headline, but did not issue corrections. When CNN contacted the private investigator later that day, the investigator said he had no evidence that Rich had contacted WikiLeaks. The investigator claimed he only learned about the possible existence of the evidence from a Fox News reporter. Fox News later on May 23, seven days after the story was published, retracted its original report, saying the original report did not meet its standards. The median age of a prime-time viewer was 68 as of 2015.

May 01, 2008 Fox News Channel began broadcasting in the 720p resolution format on May 1, 2008. This format is available on all major cable and satellite providers. September 2008 In September 2008, FNC joined other channels in introducing a live streaming segment to its website: The Strategy Room, designed to appeal to older viewers. It airs weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM and takes the form of an informal discussion, with running commentary on the news. In March 2009, The Fox Nation was launched as a website intended to encourage readers to post articles commenting on the news.

Fox News Mobile is the portion of the FNC website dedicated to streaming news clips formatted for video-enabled mobile phones.

Платформа посвящает себя распространению правды, так что многие публикуемые там сведения вызывают неприязнь у повесточных и им подобных персонажей: рассказывает о том, что так называемый парниковый эффект и «изменение климата» глобальное потепление , которые усиленно пропагандируют демократы, являются обычным вымыслом; промышленность на самом деле не оказывает никакого влияния на климат хотя и осуществляет выбросы вредных веществ в окружающую среду, что однако повод задуматься об установке промышленных комплексов в определённых закрытых местах, где их вред будет минимальным, а не отказываться от прогресса вообще , а ограничения автомобилей демократы продвигают с целью ослабления среднего класса, критиковали меры по «борьбе» с Covid-19 , когда людей попросту насильно загоняли на карантин, подвергали иным околофашистским воздействиям. Также именно Fox News обратил внимание на то, что количество умерших якобы от ковида накачивается теми, кто умер во время заболевания ковида от сопутствующих состояний то есть был не жилец в любом случае.

Естественно, демократам не по нраву наличие свободного СМИ и они тратили немало сил на пропаганду, нападки и даже судебные иски против Fox News. В частности, работники канала обвинялись в якобы «приставаниях», однако к счастью ни один из реально высокопоставленных работников в результате не был отдан толпе и все они сохранили свои места. Они честно и открыто сообщили, что все эти обвинения — всего лишь попытки либералов заткнуть противоположную точку зрения.

В заявлении, с которым ознакомилось агентство, утверждается, что Fox News в ходе предвыборной кампании в США осенью 2020 года сознательно и без всяких оснований обвинял Dominion Voting в фальсификации с помощью своего оборудования результатов президентских выборов с целью обеспечения победы на них кандидата от Демократической партии Джо Байдена. Dominion Voting указала в своем иске, что неоднократно пыталась восстановить истину и добиться от телеканала публичного признания своей неправоты в отношении компании, но все эти попытки были проигнорированы Fox News. Такое поведение, по мнению адвокатов компании, отличает телеканал от других СМИ, допускавших неточности при освещении президентских выборов в США.

Fox News primetime hosts declared the unmaskings a "domestic spying operation" for which the Obama administration was "exposed" in the "biggest abuse of power" in American history. The Bash inquiry closed months later with no findings of substantive wrongdoing. Ailes had the year before been fired from Fox News after women alleged he sexually harassed them. Some Fox News employees criticized the decision.

The private investigator said he had uncovered evidence that Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks and law enforcement were covering it up. The killing of Rich has given rise to conspiracy theories in right-wing circles that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party had Seth Rich killed allegedly because he was the source of the DNC leaks. The report cited an inaccurate assertion by Gen. Tony Thomas, the head of the United States Special Operations Command, that a major newspaper had disclosed the intelligence. Their sick agenda over National Security. On August 29, 2017, Sky dropped Fox News; the broadcaster said its carriage was not "commercially viable" due to average viewership of fewer than 2,000 viewers per day. A few weeks later, when a number of females under the age of 18, including a 14-year-old, accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of making sexual advances, Hannity dismissed the sexual misconduct allegations and dedicated coverage on his TV show to casting doubt on the accusers.

In reports like these, Bill and Hillary Clinton are prominent and recurring characters because they are considered the real conspirators working with the Russians to undermine American democracy. Hosts and guests on Fox News called for Mueller to be fired. Hannity asserted: "The very thing they are accusing President Trump of doing, they did it themselves. CNN described the coverage as "a tour de force in deflection and dismissal". November 01, 2017 A FiveThirtyEight analysis of Russia-related media coverage in cable news found most mentions of Russia on Fox News were spoken in close proximity to "uranium" and "dossier". November 2017 During the Republican primaries, Fox News was perceived as trying to prevent Trump from clinching the nomination. From 2015 to 2017, the Fox News prime-time lineup changed from being skeptical and questioning of Trump to a "Trump safe space, with a dose of Bannonist populism once considered on the fringe".

November 2017 From 2015 into 2018, Fox News broadcast extensive coverage of an alleged scandal surrounding the sale of Uranium One to Russian interests, which host Sean Hannity characterized as "one of the biggest scandals in American history". According to Media Matters, the Fox News coverage extended throughout the programming day, with particular emphasis by Hannity. Donald Trump repeated these allegations as a candidate and as president. No evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton had been found after four years of allegations, an FBI investigation, and the 2017 appointment of a Federal attorney to evaluate the investigation. Hannity later called Smith "clueless", while Smith stated: "I get it, that some of our opinion programming is there strictly to be entertaining. I get that. Fox News host Jeanine Pirro called the Mueller investigation team a "criminal cabal" and said the team ought to be arrested.

Other Fox News figures referred to the investigation as "corrupt", "crooked", and "illegitimate", and likened the FBI to the KGB, the Soviet-era spy organization that routinely tortured and summarily executed people. Political scientists and scholars of coups described the Fox News rhetoric as scary and dangerous. Experts on coups rejected that the Mueller investigation amounted to a coup; rather, the Fox News rhetoric was dangerous to democracy and mirrored the kind of rhetoric that occurs before purges. A number of observers argued the Fox News rhetoric was intended to discredit the Mueller investigation and sway President Donald Trump to fire Mueller. Most programs are broadcast from Fox News headquarters in New York City at 1211 Avenue of the Americas , in its streetside studio on Sixth Avenue in the west wing of Rockefeller Center, sharing its headquarters with sister channel Fox Business Network. It serves as a companion service to FNC, carrying original and acquired talk, documentary, and reality programming designed to appeal to Fox News viewers. Some of its original programs feature Fox News personalities and contributors.

In an October 2018 Simmons Research survey of the trust in 38 news organizations, Fox News was ranked roughly in the center, with 44. June 2018 In June 2018, Fox News executives instructed producers to head off inappropriate remarks made on the shows aired by the network by hosts and commentators. Fox News host Laura Ingraham had likened the child detention centers that the children were in to "summer camps". Guest Ann Coulter falsely claimed that the separated children were "child actors"; the Fox News host did not challenge her claim. At the same time, most other national mainstream media gave wall-to-wall coverage of the convictions. Fox News had previously run negative coverage of rappers and their involvement with Democratic politicians and causes, such as when Fox News ran headlines describing conscious hip-hop artist Common as "vile" and a "cop-killer rapper", and when Fox News ran negative coverage of Kanye West before he became a Trump supporter. The following morning, Hannity tweeted "To be clear, I will not be on stage campaigning with the President.

Hannity later asserted that his action was not pre-planned, and Fox News stated it "does not condone any talent participating in campaign events". Fox News host Jeanine Pirro also appeared on stage with Trump at the rally. The relationship between Trump and Fox News, as well as other Rupert Murdoch-controlled outlets, soured following the 2020 United States presidential election, as Trump refused to concede that Joe Biden had been elected President-elect.


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Канадская компания намерена взыскать с Fox News $1,6 млрд по иску в защиту репутации Комментируя соглашение с Dominion, телекомпания Fox News признала, что «некоторые утверждения о Dominion оказались ложными».
Канадская компания намерена взыскать с Fox News $1,6 млрд по иску в защиту репутации Позже News Corporation была разделена на две части, а в 2019-м кинокомпанию 20th Century Fox купил Disney, за Рупертом Мердоком остались его медиа-активы, в том числе Fox News.
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Fox News Mission Statement Analysis

Fox News выплатит рекордные $787,5 млн за обвинения против Dominion из-за выборов в США. Актуальные новости в бизнес среде, технологические новинки и интересные стартапы. Fox News is only good for laughing at the bullshit those worthless Republicans like to spew. Канал Fox News изначально использовал слоган «Справедливо и сбалансированно», который был придуман соучредителем сети Роджером Эйлсом во время создания сети.

foxnews – последние новости

Fox News (officially Fox News Channel and abbreviated FNC) is an American pay television news channel. Fox News Channel — американский информационный канал со штаб-квартирой в Нью-Йорке. Его первый выход в эфир состоялся 7 октября 1996 года. Fox News is not structured as a news division of the Fox network, and operates as a technically separate entity within Fox Corporation through the company's Fox News Group subsidiary.

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